Friday 14 August 2020

Healing Gemstones & Chakras.

 (Yogi: Question why Mother Earth has created precious gems and what the real use of them what the proper use of gems?

Shri Mataji:  "She is a generous lady (laughter) and she wants to give you everything that she has, and she gives you gems and all the chakras that are within us have a gem with it so you know the chakras, what gems they have, you know or not? All right. In Mooladhara you have the coral, I think it’s written somewhere, coral. Then with the Swadishthana you have the topaz, the yellow topaz. Then with the Nabhi is the emerald. Then with the Heart is the ruby; Vishuddhi is the blue sapphire, blue sapphire, that’s why in India nobody wears it, very dangerous you know, Krishna can play tricks with you. Then with Agnya is the diamond and Sahasrara is a pearl.  So if you have a problem of  a particular chakras if you should get a good thing like that you can wear. Amethysts is Amethysts is one of the stones which is actually Mahamaya stone, you can call it, because Amethysts changes it colour, changes it’s colour and it’s from ruby which changes into blue, so it’s a Mahamaya, it is a combination of the Heart chakra and the Vishuddhi chakra, is the Mahamaya."

Excerpt: Sunday August 19th 1984, New Jersey(USA).

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